Shape the future of technology!

Your voice matters…

Take the qualifying survey for the opportunity to participate in research that will shape the future of technology and earn $250 for your time.

How does it work?

  1. Take the survey!

Click the link above to take the qualifying survey. We have spots in both Midtown, Manhattan, and Iselin, New Jersey.

2. Schedule

Once you are approved, chat with one of our team members to schedule a date and time that fits your schedule.

3. Participate

Head to the facility in either NYC or NJ and participate in the study.

4. Get paid

Once you participate, pick your desired payment method through our payment portal, and receive your incentive payment within 20 business days.


  • Complete the short screening survey (about 5 minutes) to see if you qualify.

  • This study pays $250 for a completed 3-hour session. You'll receive an email within 20 business days of participating with instructions for redeeming your incentive.

  • The sessions are conducted Monday-Friday and last 3 hours.

  • The sessions take place at one of our offices in Midtown Manhattan. Once confirmed for the study, you will receive the exact address.

  • If you know someone who would like to participate, please feel free to send them to this website. You can earn a $50 referral bonus for each person who successfully pathicipates in the study and names you as the referrer. To qualify for the referral bonus, they must include your contact info. Referrals are paid once the following month.

  • To join our panel and receive emails about future market research studies, go to