Frequently asked questions
To qualify for our research studies, complete a brief online screener survey. This helps match you with studies based on factors like age, location, occupation, and technology usage.
How It Works:
Complete the Survey: Answer a few questions about yourself.
Review Process: We’ll assess your responses for eligibility.
Get Invited: If you qualify, we’ll send study details including the date, time, and compensation.
If you don’t qualify right away, check back often for new studies. Joining our panel ensures you’ll be considered for future opportunities.
This study pays $225 for a completed 3-hour session. You'll receive an email within 20-25 business days for participating with instructions for redeeming your incentive.
This research involves analyzing arm and hand movements while wearing a wristband with non-invasive surface electromyography (sEMG) sensors. The goal is to study muscle activity and how it relates to various movements.
Payment is processed via the FocusGroup Wallet, where points are redeemable for various rewards like Visa gift cards, Amazon gift cards, or other options.